We have not officially trimmed all of Lilly's hair, but tonight she received the 2nd trim to her bangs. We would of had video of the hair cut, but we had to let her play with the digital camera so she would sit still long enough to have her bangs trimmed.
Please see
www.theguinnreport.blogspot.com for pictures from our adventures with Papa, Grandma, Uncle Bryce, Aunt Stacy and Cousin Maverick "Mav"! We had a great time together and can't wait until we can get together again soon.
This year we decided to hold the Starizon holiday party after the holidays. The theme of the event was The Laughter After party. We started the evening at Starizon with wine and cheese and a version of Who's Line Is It, only we called ours Laugh Lines. Jodi, Jamie and I put on the Laugh Lines show, but the audience could also participate. It was quite hilarious. At 7:00pm the Keystone buses picked us up at Starizon and we were off for dinner. We boarded the gondolas at the base of Keystone and went to the top of the first mountain and then boarded another gondola to get to the top of the next mountain. Once we arrived to the top of the mountain we went to the Alpenglow Stube for a five course dinner where each coarse was paired with a wine. Each couple drew a card from a basket and the card said one of seven names: Giggle, Snigger, Snort, Cackle, Chuckle, Hoot or Laugh. For the first three courses we sat at the Snort table, then we drew again and changed tables before the last two courses and we were at the Chuckle table. The entertainment for the evening was a comedian that has been featured on HBO and Comedy Works. He had the group laughing so hard people were trying to hold back tears. The evening was fabulous and it was 11:00pm and time get back on the gondolas and head home. But wait, there are 50+ mph winds and the gondolas are closed. We were stranded and there weren't just a few of us, but around 75 of us. The only way down was to ride a snow cat (this is the machine that they use to groom the ski runs). We told our babysitter we would be home by midnight, but it's now 2:00am and we are still stranded at the restaurant. Fortunately it was toasty by the fire, drinks were still being served and there were couches available if people wanted to rest. We departed on a snow cat at 2:15am and what a thrill it was. This snow cat was a two seater (a seat for the driver and a seat for a passenger). We managed to fit five of us in the snow cat. There were several other snow cats all around us and I managed to do some entertaining over the Keystone C.B. radio. We decided to have a little fun on our way down the mountain and asked the driver to do donuts. Riding in a snow cat was such a cool experience, but the donuts made it so much more fun. We finally made in our front door by 3:00am and of course Lilly was up at 6:00am! Thanks for letting us go out tonight, Lilly! We had a great time.

Alpenglow Stube for Dinner and Opening gifts on-stage at Starizon