Thursday, September 27, 2007


More Pictures of the New Back Yard


Spiffing Up The Back Yard...

The backyard has been a piece of work since we moved here three years ago. Ryan put up a privacy fence, built a deck out back, just finished the dog run, and moved tons of rock. All of the rock you see in the rock gardens came from right here in our very own back yard. If you need rock, just call the Ramsay's...we could spare a few loads. We are super excited to finally have grass, trees, an indoor and outdoor area for the dogs, and soon a swing set!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Ryan's Hobby

Two years ago Ryan decided he must have a new project to keep him busy in addition to all the house remodeling he likes to do. This meant he was in the market to find an old car to fix up. This is how we acquired a 1969 Mach 1. Many of you have seen the "ugly" version of the mach 1, but now that she's been to the body shop and put on her makeup she's much prettier. Soon she will have guts and a motor and we'll no longer have to pedal her like the Flinstones. You'll also see that Lilly (daddy) had to have a mustang, but hers is much newer and has a motor.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Money Money Money Mooonnneeyy

Today we took Lilly's piggy bank to the "bank".


More Barrette's Please!


Where Else Can You Find A Slide Carved Into A Boulder?

During a recent visit from Brandy, we headed to Breckenridge to take in the warm weather and Octoberfest.


Hangin' With Taylor At The Zoo

Yes, Lilly is standing up in the wagon. Taylor is quite tall!


My New Outfit From Great Grandma and Grandpa Lankton

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Alive 4 Five!

Wow, Starizon turns 5 on September 9th and I've been fortunate to be with them for 4 of the first 5 years. We hosted a celebration Starizon style on September 4th. Here are a few photos from parts of the day and evening.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


The wheels on the bus go round and round.....

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Talking with Lilly


Lilly helps with the rock

Today is Saturday and we went to meet a rock engraver at Starizon. He is engraving the logo on a boulder outside of Starizon. Lilly was a great little helper!

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