Saturday, July 29, 2006
Fetch Anyone?

I thought taking 3 dogs and a baby for a hike and swimming might be a little overwhelming, but heck why not. The dogs all jumped in the back of the pickup, I loaded Lilly and we were off. Lilly loves to be in the "baby bjorn" now that she can face forward. She was so calm and enjoyed watching the dogs retrieve sticks from the water. When it was time to load up and go home, Cooper and Sedona loaded in the back of the truck with no problem but Dakota insisted on a lift. I picked what felt like all 100 .lbs of her (soaking wet) and we were off. Well, not so much. Two yellow labs ran out of the woods and the dogs went crazy. Cooper jumped over the side of the truck to go greet them and 10 year old Dakota decided she was 5 again and also jumped over the side of the truck. The dogs sniffed each other and played and then we had to load up again. Once again I lifted all of Dakota. Now we were headed for home. The dogs were exhausted and ready to lounge. About 1 hour later I noticed Dakota had a limp. We watched over her closely for a few days and it didn't seem to be broken. Fortunately she bounced back and is good ole Dakota again.