Sunday, August 27, 2006


Warm and Peaceful

Thursday, August 24, 2006


A Picture with Auntie Jodi

Mom had a meeting at 7:00 this morning, so Lilly got to go to work with mom and meet "the Partners" and then hang out with Auntie Jodi until it was time to go to daycare. Lilly is really looking forward to seeing all of her auntie's and uncles at the softball tournament this weekend. Lilly is into watching our softball games and you better not get in her way or you might get "the look".

Friday, August 18, 2006


4 Months Old and Loving It!

Today was Lilly's 4 month well-child check up and she got a perfect on everything! Yahoo!!! She is 12lbs 8oz (in the 25%), 24 & 3/4" long (in the 75%) and her head is 16" around (in the 50%). Of course we also had to have vaccinations and that is never fun. Today was a very fussy day for little Lilly, but by evening she was back to her normal and perky self. The best part of the day was that when she got home there were two presents waiting for her. One was a Bumbo chair and the other was a Johnny Jump-up. She loves them both and is very thankful to her cousin Maverick for loaning them to her.


Lilly watching "The Wiggles"

This video could use some light, but it is still pretty cute. We let Lilly watch 15 minutes of The Wiggles on weekday mornings and she loves all the singing and dancing!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


A Walk In the Valley

Tonight I took my mama for a walk and I looked as cool as she did because I got to wear my sunglasses. I love sunglasses and hats, can you believe it??? I leave them on and don't try to mess with them. WOW! Once the sun was out of our eyes, I learned how to wear my shades on my head, so I don't have to carry them. Our walk tonight was fun, in fact I talked the entire time and I was exhausted when we made it back home.

Sunday, August 13, 2006



This is Lilly's first "up-do". Someday when she goes to prom I will share this picture with her!

Saturday, August 12, 2006


BBQ at the Summit

This was Lilly's first BBQ at the Summit and boy was there some good tasting BBQ and the Jalapeno's were HOT. Christine caught a lot of heck for eating Salmon at a BBQ, what was she thinking??? Lilly loved being outdoors for the evening and hanging out with her grown-up friends.


We call this....White Trash Margarita :30

We made a margarita machine out of a cooler, pvc pipe, a ball valve and a "new" garbage disposal. Let's just say that this thing has some power and makes for a good conversation piece. We hosted some margarita festivities on Friday evening and then headed to Dillon for the BBQ on the Summit.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Look How Long My Hair Is Getting!!!


My new robe and slippers!

Lilly has learned to roll from her back to her stomach and also how to to push herself up and hold herself that way for several minutes. She is also very giggly. Everytime she would see Cooper this evening all she could do was laugh at him.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Saphire Point

Today we went to Saphire Point to check out the view, the chipmunks and the lake. Grandma Vicky, Aunt Erica and Cousin Kylie came to visit and take care of Lilly for a week.

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