Saturday, July 29, 2006
Fetch Anyone?

I thought taking 3 dogs and a baby for a hike and swimming might be a little overwhelming, but heck why not. The dogs all jumped in the back of the pickup, I loaded Lilly and we were off. Lilly loves to be in the "baby bjorn" now that she can face forward. She was so calm and enjoyed watching the dogs retrieve sticks from the water. When it was time to load up and go home, Cooper and Sedona loaded in the back of the truck with no problem but Dakota insisted on a lift. I picked what felt like all 100 .lbs of her (soaking wet) and we were off. Well, not so much. Two yellow labs ran out of the woods and the dogs went crazy. Cooper jumped over the side of the truck to go greet them and 10 year old Dakota decided she was 5 again and also jumped over the side of the truck. The dogs sniffed each other and played and then we had to load up again. Once again I lifted all of Dakota. Now we were headed for home. The dogs were exhausted and ready to lounge. About 1 hour later I noticed Dakota had a limp. We watched over her closely for a few days and it didn't seem to be broken. Fortunately she bounced back and is good ole Dakota again.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Mom's in a Play!

Tonight mom played Hedy Shablee in a murder mystery performance that we did for our clients at Starizon. This was their last visit to Starizon and the Executive Chef prepared a wine pairing dinner. The theme of the evening was Wine and Murder. Mom's character was a "wino" who owned Shablee Vineyard's and the gentleman who was murdered, "Barry", burnt down her vineyard shortly before he was knocked off the face of the earth!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Keystone Wedding Reception

Today was Auntie Jodi and Uncle Eric's wedding reception in Keystone. It was a beautiful day, they had wonderful food and the event was fantastic. Lilly sure got a lot of attention too.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
3 Months Old
Sunday, July 16, 2006
After the ceremony

The karaoke got a little out of hand, but I think the girls won!

Feeling fine after a few glasses of wine!

The bride and her mother!
Wedding Pictures

Gentleman, is this appropriate?

Chef Eric's first wedding cake. Each section was two layers and a filling in between the two layers.

The groomsmen looking good in purple.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Just before Jodi and Eric's big day

Ready for the wedding!

Relaxing at the salon!

Auntie Jamie, it looks hot outside!

Jodi and Tammy striking some sort of pose!

Fancy, fancy!!!

Kelly, Jodi (the bride-to-be) and Jamie

The site for the ceremony.

Lilly's version of rehearsal!

Lilly's adopted grandpa and grandma
for the evening! Mark and Patty

The bride and her brothers (this was a tear jerker).

Lilly's day started at 4:30am and included a ride to Denver in the car seat, zooming around the airport in her stroller, her first escalator experience and of course the finally of all experiences "the plane the plane". She was such a wonderful traveler, so much that the lady sitting next to us said she was scared when we sat down (she can't stand kids). Once we landed in Spokane she said what an enjoyable flight it was sitting next to such a good little baby! Yeah, we're not "those" people yet, but I am sure our time is coming!!! We jumped in a rental car with Uncle Tim and Auntie Jamie and we were off to Orofino. Before checking into our hotel, we decided to stretch our legs, feed the munchkin and visit an enormous Dam in Orofino.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Beautiful Morning

On my way into work this morning I stopped to get the company mail and look who was there to greet me. Isn't she beautiful.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Cooper & Company

Little Lilly has definitely made Cooper a little jealous, but he is very calm and easy going around her. Fortunately, Cooper lives in Dog country and has made lots of friends. Two of his best friends are two female Golden Retrievers, Dakota and Sedona. Sedona is a puppy and she and Cooper are a riot together.
Hello Lilly!
Softball Game

I played catcher last night for the Starizon softball team and it was cold and rainy. The highlight of my game was when I dove for a fly ball and tore the palm of my hand -OUCH (actually I don't think this was a highlight, but more of an embarrassment and pretty histarical to see this woman diving for a softball). We played the Coors Light Silver Bullets and they beat us in the last two innings, but it was a close game. Lilly likes to go to the games with me and loves to sit outdoors. She is our smallest cheerleader and shows up in uniform and all.
Headed to a Wedding!

Lilly and I are headed to Idaho this weekend for a wedding (Ryan has to sit this one out). I will be a bridesmaid in the wedding, therefore our friend Jamie is also going along to help take care of Lilly. Jamie is also a close friend of the couple. Ryan and I hosted a Mexican Fiesta couples shower for Jodi and Eric in June and Sombreros were appropriate for the occasion. Lilly's been trying to decide which dress to wear to the wedding and I think she's finally made up her mind to wear the dress pictured above. She will wear the dress with the solid pink top to the reception the following weekend in Keystone. My what issues she has to deal with on deciding what to wear!